Monday, January 22, 2007

On a Bridge, In Thought

Three simple things:
A pound of unadulterated flesh - or two -
Pounding; A pensive mass of swirling green and maroon and blue,
Leaning; A distance, unyielding, gray, dark and red
Extending. Then there is the water
Foaming, Frothing, Rushing and Swirling,
Leaping over stones and bubbles and untouched sweet places,
Flowing. The green trees hiss gentle into the wind,
Swaying, softly, white in the midday sun
Streaming, Singing, Shading the enchanted eyes,
Soothing. The bridge leads itself over the river,
Longing; Looking towards the untouched shore,
Sighing; Finding in its own uninterrupted Silence its


mekie said...

Love the play of words. Exquisite!

madatadam said...

the sound ing. there are too many things in life but they also seem to be singing, ringing and everything keeps happening - it is not about things that have happened or are going to happen - the continuous is important.

mekie said...

This also reminds me of Sarojini Naidu's 'Palanquin Bearers'. Is that a correct analogy?

madatadam said...

the palanquin bearers would have been closer to the next one - 'Under the Bridge' - this is the impression from a photo - this is much more static and personal - that is more flowing and exuberant