Sunday, July 03, 2005

Too much out o'the sun

Summer has been around quite a while now but nothing much done to savour the sun before the Notre Dame winter creeps in. Bound to my work, I haven't had much time to move around except for the odd couple of days off. Tennis has been a welcome respite each day and I have come to consider the two hours of sweat and slow dehydration the highlights of my daily schedule.

I seriously am missing home, Indian movies, cricket and loafing around in the Madras summer with friends. Missing the NatWest Series final hurt and am crying over not being able to watch what promises to be the most competitive Ashes in a long time. Federer though made my day today. Woke up late due to my chronic inability to understand timezones and TV schedules, so had to rub my eyes hard before I could register the statistics of the first 2 sets: 33 winners and 3 unforced errors for Federer. Of course the women's final provided enough entertainment so the men's final could be about class and the distance between the best and the rest in grass-court tennis.

Also watched a couple of movies the last couple of weeks: The War of the Worlds and Anniyan. The War of the Worlds was disappointing to say the least. The movie aside, what is with our portrayals of aliens? I hope alien science fiction writers don't imagine me as being slimy and green and oozing slush in their novels. The other movie was better but somehow Vikram seemed to have overdone all his parts. And of course there was not much in the story line to speak of. Anyways that was perhaps the one break from the monotony of my sad life as a grad student the last couple of weeks. Hope things change soon and I get to do something real and actual before the summer leaves start falling off leading into the next semester.

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