Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dreams..Promises: Spring

I dreamt today of tomorrow's flower
Waiting to spring on my wearied eyes
A fresh memory of a promise stale.
The air and the earth stir with notions of her:
All awash with light, life, relenting to kiss
With grudging grace a nature's fool.

The roses drip their thorny red
And my heart gathers up her lies all true.
She is not here but I wait in hope
For tomorrow's treacherous flower to bloom.

(She lied to me, with dimpled smile
And, lying, loved me, as I her.
But now I lie here alone, and she elsewhere.)



cue. said...

Vary nice da Shyam. Loved the entire series.

madatadam said...

@cue thankee da machee
@tech spring's hope is its deceit..for it too will pass for the rest amen and thanks..

arethusa said...

Vivid imagery...but did not quite get "nature's fool"...

madatadam said...

i am doubly nature's fool.. nature's fool directly and again bcoz i fall prey to natural impulses where she is concerned.. both nature and she kiss me with grudging grace..i believe in those kisses and am a "natural" to think they r real and to wait/beg for them(of course im also toying with calling nature herself a fool to do such silly things and fall into the trap of beings that flower for a day and die - an obscure and half-baked inversion).. and as i am, so r all ppl who believe in hope and the promise of spring or of love..terribly dark but thats okay for thats the way ppl and things are..truth doesnt matter where reality is concerned..its all dark but theres a little blue light at the end of the tunnel and we'll move towards it :-)..

arethusa said...

Is truth the blue light at the end of the tunnel? or is it happiness (dubious though it may be as sprung from lies)?

madatadam said...

id say its reality.. in my more hopeful moments ill call it happiness and when pessimistic, its only the headlights of the next train to misery.. either way thats all is visible in this light-forsaken place :-)..

arethusa said...

"the headlights of the next train to misery"

How true...we never we? :)

madatadam said...

and good that we never learn.. when we have learnt everything, we shud become all too bored.. better do anything at all than stay the same.. when the peak is reached lets start climbing down :-)

to know/understand oneself/other-things is merely to be a more refined fool(vadikattina muttal in tamil :D).. the revelry in the longing idea is nice, sparks a couple circuits in my brain but.. and loving is the ultimate masochist's delight just as being loved is the ultimate sadist's delight :-)

arethusa said...

Oh no got me wrong I guess..I mean we "take the next train" every time even though we know it is to misery...don't we? That is what I meant by "we never learn"...And how do you think "not learning" is better than misery??

madatadam said...

i understood that part..thats what i meant by climbing down - its too numbing to be happy always so it feels better to climb down frm that peak towards misery every now and then.. that seems the human condition - not to b satisfied without change.. and if learning will kill all change, its better not to learn than to b miserable.. see how the romans after all their stoics persisted in their foolishness & self-destruction.. they forgot of course but equiv to not learning.. as pigs wallow in mud, we wallow in misery.. also the train to wherever is all we have so we hv to get on it :-)