Friday, April 06, 2007

Landed Gently

Spring, I guess, is never a good time to be saying goodbye..

... but still, limping, I crossed half the world and now am Home!

First impressions:

Was quite nonchalant for sometime but the heat got to me and I found layers of clothing really is not such a good idea.
Air India food is good - whoever thought of providing a good meal for the 1h20m flight from Mumbai to Chennai I wonder - but, as a friend warned earlier, is prone to turn weak stomachs.
A 6 hour train journey actually takes 6 hours even if the distance is only a couple hundred miles.
Air conditioning is not essential but then sweat is unavoidable.
There is not a big difference between Bangalore and Chennai in the night and one has to actually be at MG Road to see the land of milk and honey.
Going for the seat belt because you took the front seat in a car is typical "newly-returned" behavior.

To finish with a really unpalatable joke I came up with, sitting bored in the aircraft:

Quarantine Officer to plane passengers: Sorry people, you will have to wait 4 hours more until we are absolutely sure who caused this inconvenience.
About 200 voices: No way. This is ridiculous.
Then, after a few minutes, one brave man, bold, courageous stands up and says, "Officer, let these people go. It is not their fault - they are innocent. I farted."
The officer stunned, 2 seconds the camera pans and a few tears are seen and then another guy, "No, I farted," then another, "I farted" and so on and on until all 200 or so have used the f-word. The officer calmly says, "Alright guys, since you all did, anyway, you all will have to be quarantined so just shut up and stay where you are."
(For those who really want to know what the point is, look up Spartacus(the movie) and watch the last scene. For the others, just another one of those really meaningless jokes)

Ok then, lets see how things go. Will keep this blogspot occupied. Ciao.

1 comment:

Vetty Max said...

In Bangalore now? How long trip?