Friday, March 02, 2007

A couple of links


Honestly I don't know what to make of such things.


nice try said...

reaffirms the arbitrariness of religious belief

madatadam said...

hmm i am a firm believer in the approximate arbitrariness of almost everything but the thing is- is the arbitrariness in a particular thing in any way useful? meaningless speculation but what if? why not?

is there any point in saying poor girls? poor people? who is in the wrong?

what are the substitutes? what is the objective function? what are the costs?

nice try said...

well the promise of 72 (or whatever number) or virgins in heaven seems like a brilliant idea .. given that religion/god provide only abstract benefits the common dude cannot possibly see any direct benefit of adhering to the arbitrary rules set .. these mullahs were pretty smart to provide some concrete/physical benefit in the afterlife and makes sense to appeal to the sensual/carnal objectives since that is possibly a universal objective function invariant across most individuals

Anonymous said...

Religion is a willing suspension of disbelief.... stupid.

Imagine blowing yourself up in smithereens so you can sleep with 72 virgins.. :'(
Such stupidity makes me wince!!