Monday, February 27, 2006

An imitation of Donne

Each man is an island, entire in himself; each man is a whole, wrought alone. In thought and deed, man does employ acquaintance; but in the entirety of his life he has but few shared moments. Whom we call a friend today becomes an acquaintance tomorrow and is forgotten the next day and a new friend comes and knocks at our hearts' doors: so little of permanence exists in our relations. As two bells that ring for the faithful at the same time, not by design or art but out of mere probability, two hearts resonate together for a while; the next day ask not if one tolled before the other - that no man knows. And if you belong to some community, desire not that it last forever, for that never may be given to things of man; ask instead that you may enjoy the company the little way it lasts and then walk your own way to your own home.


Vidya said...

"Each man is an island, entire in himself; each man is a whole, wrought alone" - will make it my quote.. cool.. Similar thoughts mine.. never really could put it down in words.. Hmm.. but there seems to be a streak of dejection in this post.. is it me or is it there?..

"enjoy the company the little way it lasts and then walk your own way to your own home" - essence of life !!!!!

madatadam said...

thanks for visiting my blog
the idea was to comment on john donne's statement "no man is an island, entire in itself..." in his own style. as for the dejection, it is not there but there surely is a resignation as far as human community is concerned. i think human relationships are extremely fragile and temporary and so feel that nothing much can be expected of friendship etc except that we "enjoy the company while it lasts"

meghjanmi said...

"nothing much can be expected of friendship etc except that we "enjoy the company while it lasts" "
and it is not just friendship, holds true for all the relationships on earth..u just have to see the good aspects and leave out the rest..and keep flowing like a river..

madatadam said...

wish i could Malu, but it just feels so dishonest to say to somebody "I am your friend through thick and thin" and then desert him at the first opportunity. i know it is supposed to be part of adult life(and often done not out of choice) but i dont know what to choose: dishonesty or a "normal" human life - all the result of a faulty education in moral science in school i guess :)

Sudhir said...

[Out of context, in response to this]: Why, thank you. I was just reading your own posts here and they seem infinitely better - I just finished reading 'Ode to Pain' and it is just fantastic. Don't understand what made you pen it down in the first place.

Sadly I am still at `work' now. Will get back home and start reading. Wish I had known this blog existed earlier.

madatadam said...

thanks da sudhir.. as for ode to pain, it was just a view of life. my view particularly when i see the really painful and pointless aspects of it(which is often all there is to see in life anyways).